Oct 11, 2010

Busy sunday with Crime Syndicate.

First of all, my good mate Dorna bought some gametime. Three big cheers for him! Hes a real die hard World PvPer. We met in Ashenvale (as we we're rats at that time), during Vanilla, when WSG was invented. Everybody had to be in Ashenvale in order to queue in the battle. We happened to be in the same level bracket and he just happened to enjoy playing with healers while I enjoyed healing back then. What a perfect match! We've known since then.

Anyway, Crime Syndicate arranged a raid for Stormwind. On the way we decided to take over the Flight Path master, which turned out to be an exciting plan. After a good while of fighting ourselves trough Stormwind to the flight path master, getting tons of HKs on the way and while there, we were outnumbered pretty heavy, which forced us to do a bit unusual strategic move. Or it was that moonkin with typhoon, not sure..

We jumped to the lake, swam to the shore, regenerated our mana and health and stroke when the alliance was still in the water. You'd maybe think that we had the upper hand. At least that what we thought, but they quickly outnumbered us there again and it was a wipe. After countdowned mass resurrection and stomping the remaining camping alliance, we headed to the Auction House.
 Upper hand?

Well, no news from the AH. We managed to keep it for a good while but its not that easy to hold a entire building in opposite faction city when they just keep swarming in. After a good bunch of HKs and inavoidable wipe, we resurrected ourselves in the building that is behind Auction house. Cant remember its name but it had a sign with arrows on it. Has probably something to do with those then, hmhmh..

I for one didn't enjoy this building that much. As a melee I had no clue what was going on. I got some random swipes every now and then but other than that it was just a huge mess for me. I hope that the ranged classes had some fun in this one at least. After one more wipe, we resurrected in another building, fought for a while and then headed to defend Orgrimmar, which was being attacked. Had fun and got 1000 HKs closer to "Moostomp of the Horde" title.

Again, feel free to /w me for some WPvP company! Catch ye later.