Ah! Good to be back! And what could be better way to celebrate my return than good ol' ratslaying! My good loyal spy Kelzus reported me that there was lots of pigs waiting for slaughter in front of SW gates. After thinning the Alliance ranks a bit I had to flee for a short while to duel with the Overseer of SW AH, Zyredox. We took few duels which turned out to be intresting so I ended up fixing a clip out of our little dueling session. I'll be uploading it to WCM but it takes a couple of days to be verified.. EDIT: It has been verified that Kelzus truly is a nasty, traitorous Horde SPY! More of it in this topic at the Burning Blade Forums
I know that I promised to be uploading a video of duels with Zylopfá. Referring to himself, there was nothing amusing in those duels because I was just running away (read: kiting) from him and killing him slowly. So I dueled with Zyredox, at least as skillful and well experienced Shadowdancer. Hopefully Zyredox enjoyed dueling me as much as I enjoyed dueling him. As I said, the video clip of us dueling is viewable at Warcraftmovies.com in a couple of days.
EDIT: Click here to watch it.
After a good while of dueling, turns out Zyredox has a life(?) and he quits so I had to come up with something else to do. After running around with Kelzus and killing a couple of rats, I notice that Freedóm & Viraia are in Westfall. Turns out the war against Alliance has gained a new aspect; Buffing mobs that are important to the Alliance. Thus slowing their leveling. Hmh, what an excellent maneuver! Kings, Fortidute, MOTW and Thorns gives a nice boost to these mobs.
After a while of buffing mobs, we continued co-operating and had some fun at Arathi Basin and Stormwind Gates. Especially SW Gates, where we got a good kill-streak of 13 at battle of 5 vs 3. Dont know how much that would have continued but we decided to join AB when it popped out. After that AB I invited Freedóm & Viraia to my tower in the Mage Quarter. We had a short visit, as we slaught a fistful of alliance and got outnumbered too greatly in the end, where we gave our lives for the Horde. Enough for the RP then.
Had fun as always, too bad there wasnt alot of people on this evening. Looking forward to the next week. Can't wait to get up a good group of World PVP'ers and take over the Mage Quarter. Stay tuned and /w me ingame for some outdoor PvP!