Aug 2, 2010

Stompys brand new blog

Hey mateys

So I decided to open a blog and see how it goes, since theres lots of world pvp'ers around different realms, without a good community for world pvp therefore, I'd think some people might be intrested with a wpvp player blog instead of all these arena/pve blogs. Daring to be different. Ofc, theres a few wpvp blogs which inspired me to do this (Cevitus, Darling).

So you'll be hearing of me in form of screenshots, texts and videos. While waiting for me to publish some, be sure to check my old vids:

Moostomp - Feral 1v1
a bit longer clip I made out of dueling few ppl on Burning Blade.

Moostomp - Back to Basics
a World PVP clip, where I onehit pve geared scrubs in my epic PvP gear.

The Culling of Zylosforge
a clip I made out of Zylos Hand raiding Ironforge. Be sure to check at least this one.

Zylos Hand at Stormwind Gates
Zylos Hand raiding Stormwind gates. Really short clip made out of 2 frapsed clips.

 The thing World PvPers hate the most... Right after shadowmeld->Flight form.
    I tend to keep this always with me as a good luck charm vs paladins ;>

Note: Click "Read more" for character view.