I joined a raid organized by WPVP guild
And earlier that day, I joined Zyredox's (also known as the SW AH Overseer. see: link) one versus faction city campaign and we took down the Mage tower in Mage Quarter (also known as The Zylosquarter) in Stormwind. This is probably my favorite spot when you are in for some WPVP with a small group. Especially when you have 1-2 healers with you and you abuse the portal's delay. Just lovely..
"Divine shields and Hearthstones do not make a hero heroic."
Be sure to check Zyredox' movie in youtube as well! Its all about ganking in SW.
Edit: Oh, did I mention I met beloved Paladinkingg (link) on the way to Zyredox? Indeed, I killed him first in unfair duel, which included some guards from Grom'gol post, so he wanted to re-duel. It was surprisingly nice duel, I actually was forced to use cyclones in 1v1, which I never do. I even frapsed the match so you guys can see how it went :) inb4, reduel.