Kirroth! Also known as Kalce, Kalcium. I'll be writing another post later about how I met this guy. But on top of the fact that hes a great guy, he has unbeliveable skills as playing mage. I was privlidged to be able to have him in the guild and thus, WPVP with him. This post is about how we spent an evening World PVP'ing together.
So the evening began with some minor slaughter in Wintergrasp with my good new guildie Kirroth. He works as a great lure cus of his blue staff & massive 19k amount of HP :) We managed to take several Alliance and if I recall right, we didn't die even once? Had a nice closecall when I got away with 24hp though. Gotta love those rocket boots.. Well, after a good while of Slaying and fighting in the WG Battle we decided to head to Dun Morogh, for the Gnomeregan event. Even though it was phased, we managed to get few kills and whines there as well ;)
During our visit in Dun Morogh, this mage tried to kill us, yet we ended up killing him. After a while I saw that Kirroth was in combat in distance so I started heading there. When I arrive, turns out Kirroth, our 19k hp Fire Mage had pwned this another mage with 'Arena Master' title. I just had to finish the job with good ol' Ravage there, but Kirroth did 90% of the job there. Oh yeah, and we got whine from him too:
Despite the fact that I cant recall calling myself skilled, nor im trying to prove that I have any skill trough the most unfair aspect of PvP in WoW (WPVP) that I had any, I wonder if the guy manages to see the irony in these 2 pics.
<- Stompy outnumbered
I hope this raises my reputation amongst Zylophians since they collect whines as tributes in slaying :-)
During that menace, Zyredox joins us. Speaking of the devil, does anybody see him in Friendly or even Contested territories anymore? No matter when, hes ALWAYS in SW. This guy seriously does nothing but World PVP. Anywho, Zyredox joines us in Ironforge and we had the most epic slaughter ever. I was really happy to see even this aspect can still surprise me. Though we died pretty often cus we didnt have a healer (except for Deathdlydruid who joined us later in moonkin spec). We abused the tiny houses that are all over the city, which was really cool. After thinking of it, I've always had fun when I've gone to IF. It just tends to fail on the fact that there isnt any people with PVP on, but it really is worth the trouble(dying) to get people flagged. Check my vid 'the Culling of Zylosforge' for example.
As I said, Deathdlydruid joined us after a while. First as feral but since we got ALOT of people coming on to us, he went Balance spec so he could heal us. Well that didnt turn out that well either, since the rat numbers were sick. We tried to go to SW but got raped by Gambrinus (Gamberigrijgjbrus) PvP team in the tram. After that, IRL called me so I had to apart. Despite the fact that we died pretty often, I had really fun World PVP'ing in these places, with these guys. This event really cheer'd me up and im surely gonna make more World PVP events running, as well as more posts here. Starting with post how I met Kirroth.
/w me for some World PVP in-game!