Aug 31, 2010

Alright, it seems like theres lots of things going on in the Outdoor PVP scene in Burning Blade at the moment, so I decided to make up a small community check to see whats going on and what are the hot topics on Burning Blade for the moment.

First I want to point out the thing that intrests me the most; Alliance has a new World PVP guild called CLIMBIN IN YO WINDOW. It currently seems to have 6 members. Which can be explained by the trial you need to pass to join the guild. The trial is following: "If you want to join, contact either me or one of the current officers, you'll need to prove yourself tho by doing a hit on someone. You'll get the name of the person you need to kill in order to join, from the person who's recruiting you."-As stated by Impresonaz the guild master.

It gets reaaally intresting now. Especially after Impresonaz' post which is following: "And ye it will be hard hits like moostomp :) wont be easy to join.". And it took about 5mins for me to come to write about it to my block and show it off to you guys ;) Hopefully I get some assassins after me, it could get really fun to have World PVP following me 24/7. If you want to discuss about the guild you can do it in the topic at Burning Blade forums. <LINK

 Also my good friend Hirono from Crime Syndicate is looking for guilds willing to fight Crime Syndicate in the Gurubashi arena. Hes looking for fair 10vs10 fights with other guilds. They wish to use pretty much same rules as in normal arena. No worries if you dont want to be marked as "the guild that is worse than Crime Syndicate" -since these guys are just looking for some fun. Here's a quote from Hirono: "Zylos Hand and Crime Syndicate clashed earlier in an organized, 10 vs 10 match in the Gurubashi Arena and I can't speak for Zylos but we really enjoyed it. The general consensus amongst CS was that we wanted to throw out a challenge to the rest of the server to come and try us at the same thing. The concept is pretty simple, we're not claiming it's an original idea or that we're going to be the most awesome 10 Man team in the history of WoW PvP - we're just looking to instigate some fun fights and inter-guild competition." For more information & discussion you can find trough this <LINK> to the Burning Blade forums.

And something visual as well! I finished my small duel clip which includes 2 duels vs Overseer of the SW AH: Zyredox. Those duels turned out to be really funny, filled with engineering tricks and close calls. Be sure to check the clip via this <LINK>.
Also stay tuned for Zyredox' incoming SW ganking movie, which will be shorter and even more intense than his earlier movie callied 'Urban Routine' which can be checked <HERE>.

What will the next few days bring us in World PVP? 
Assassination attempts? 10v10 fights? Stay tuned!