Faction Leaders too easy? 4-Man Darnassus, 5man Exodar.
Another devoted soul has joined our ranks! With this new adjustment, our member population was increased b
y 50%! Thanks to our newest member:
Stickylol. Yet, another Blood elf rogue to join our ranks. Maybe I should let only hot belf females in the guild.. Hmh.. Anywho, we had countless fun moments at the Magic Quarter with, as usual. Oh,
Zyredox the Auction house Overseer was with us of course.
No mercy was shared as usual. We got a good pile of skeletons there.
As requested, im publishing my messy keybinds now. The 2 last bars come active while in cat/dire bear form. As for macros, I use pretty simple "Target focus -> Cast spell -> last target" -macro for innervate, FF, bear charge, roots, cyclone & hibernate. And of course I have macros for Shred to be replaced with Ravage while prowling etc.. Druid Macros
And what about Faction Leaders?
It just came into our minds to do something else for than just MQ hunt for a change.. "Lets solo a FL?" ..and so we did. Well, not solo but Tyrande went down 4man. 2 rogues (Zyredox, Stickylol), 2 druids (Fnyx + Poostomp). I tanked the whole thing in my PvE DPS gear & PvP talents and Fnyx had no problem keeping me alive. Hell, he even went bear and DPS'd once in a while.

It took around 15-20 minutes of pure DPS for us to down her and we didn't meet a single ally during our visit in Darnassus. Not even lowbies. But who could have thod, even if theres "Darnass under attack!" spam going on in the world defense, that someone's killing the FL 'cus usually theres peeps running all around the town during those raids. Well, not to mention, Darnassus is possible the easiest town to raid. And yet, you fairly often see in [For the Horde!] raids that the "good plan" is to go Darnassus/Exodar first, cus they are the easiest. I mean, WTH? While you are doing these two easy towns, people will notice and get informed that theres a raid on the move and it will come to SW and no doubt the next target that is IF. After downing SW FL and losing part of the raid people head to the tram. And once in IF theres a whole bunch of Alliance waiting at the tinker. And if not, theres always someone who manages to pull the Tinker and pulling it to Magni. Amairite? Oh, anywho, about Exodar:

Exodar slightly more exciting than Darnassus. We had to kill a mage during the fight and I figured out (first time tanking FLs) that Prophet of Velen actually does something more than just stands there dealing shitty damage. He had this knockback, similiar to Thunderstorm but only me (note: tank) got hit by it. After that, he resetted aggro or just changed target for a while. (I dont know, I dont have aggro meter). This fight took about 10-15 minutes, probably 'cause Zyredox equipped PVE gear and Ayapan joined us.
Fnyx enjoying hot hardcore mutilate action.
Another great triumph for ITS MY MAGETOWER NOW. We surely will be organizing more of these small FL raids. But when it comes to the fact that you can 4man a faction leader.. To be honest, we'd 2manned it with Fnyx but would have taken a looong while for me to alone deal 5000k dmg in bear form. I suppose Blizzard rely on the opposite faction to be defending once these raids occur. the FL dealt absolutely no damage. In my humble opinion, these bosses should be buffed alot and increase the rewards like hell. A faction leader drops +70g and rewards ~2000 honor which are shared within the raid. Everybody knows that usually these raids are ~40man. Thats worth one HK of honor for a faction leader. Not worth the trouble, really. Anywho, I'm sure that im not the only one who had a blast with this new experience. I would have provided some video material but my settings were messed up and fraps lowered my DPS to ~5.
Fnyx, Ayapan, Moostomp, Stickylol, Emodox on the beach next to Exodar.
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